Romina Nicoletti
CEO and Founder
Innovation strategies expert and Entrepreneurship Adviser. Romina has more than 20 years experience in industrial and services management and has gained experience in identifying strategically secure new business opportunities. She has implemented and managed innovative commercial activities from concept to execution, as a founder of several successful start ups in the Environmental, TLC and Public Affair sectors. In the public sector, she has developed and led the innovation agenda to advance Italian and EU political goals. She leds social-economic development projects as a board member of some Commission of Industrial Union Association and NGO’s

Marco Scurria
EU found Partner
A former MEP. He was member of LIBE Committee in which he worked directly the Eurosur Regulation, the new European surveillance system for a controlled and shared management of inputs border. He was member of Iran delegation and of Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. He was also member of Culture and Education Committee and relator for the Regulation “European Capitals of Culture” intended to the development for a common cultural identity, and, in 2019, Italy will be protagonist of this initiative. Marco has always a political passion, a strong commitment to social. In 2005 he become member of Consult of Experts of Drug Addiction of the Council Presidency. Over the years Marco tooks part in social development activities and international cooperation, in Romania, in Western Sahara, in Argentine, in Israel and in Afghanistan.

Luigi Meregalli
Area leader Lombardia
Bachelor in Economics Degree at Milan University.
Master in Internationalization Processes for SME at NIBI New Institute for International Business – Milan.
Master at ICE ACADEMY – Confindustria Emilia Romagna in Export Management
He has had huge international experiences in Internationalized Financial Groups and mainly in a leading Dutch Cooperative Bank becoming Country Sales Manager of a Business Unit in Italy.
He has been in charge of Internationalization strategy for Italian SME for over years and in mainly focused on Latin American markets, from Cile firstly.
He has managed and continuously take care of each phase of the entry strategy policies in the targeted countries and up to the financial issues strictly linked to the starting up, growth & development processing.
He has worked for Finlombarda SpA, Financial arm of Regione Lombardia, as International Business Consultant and he has also been Network Manager registered in Regione Lombardia.
He is one of the founders of Italian-Chilean Trade Association and is manager for Energy & Efficiency Committee.
Co-Founder of Expandi Consulting, a Consultancy Service Network.
He’s member of Local Banking Institution Board of Directors.

Roberta Mancia
EU Fund Partner – Bruxelles
Lawyer , an expert in European Union law and European Project Management; carry out their professional activity between Rome and Brussels, working with EU Project Management , International Public Procurement, Project Financing.
Since 2006 she has been managing projects funded by the European Commission on behalf of Companies and Universities, Private Organizations.

Federica Santuccio
Temporary Export Manager and Business Analyst Partner
PhD in Economics, Environment and Policies for Economic Development at the University of Roma Tre . Master in European Economic Integration -University of Sussex (UK) and Master of ICE in Temporary Export Management.
She has carried out trade analysis for the European Commission – IPTS (Seville, Spain) and EIPA (Barcelona, Spain). Currently she is freelance consultant and Trainer in Project Management for important research institutes. From 2014 she is Temporary Export Manager for the Italian companies willing to expand their business outside Italy. She is consultant for companies and organizations interested in submitting project proposals for public funding. Expert in the fields of Agro-business and R & D policies.

Patrizia Germini
Business Client Development Consultant
Twenty years of experience in the fields of vocational training funded, initial and continuous for companies and employees, technical assistance to businesses for the development of commercial networks. In the course of the activity he has held in terms of responsibility all the roles foreseen in the professional training sector working on projects at European, national and regional level. He has held numerous institutional positions at the Ministry of Economic Development, Labor and Equality and Equal Opportunities dealing with issues such as the development of professional skills, the creation of a business for women, financing policies and business start-ups, the development of active labor policies.
The relationship with companies and entrepreneurs, the analysis of needs and the organization of management, the care for the dynamics in the valorization of human resources, the management of relationships and communication, constitute transversal competences of primary importance, carefully managed in terms of constant professional updating

Marianna Veggia
Business Analyst Manager
Gradueted in Engineering Management, she began working in the sector of planning and business development for companies operating in the environmental area.
She has collaborated for the analysis and improvement of the security services of the front-line Rome Airports (ADR). She deals with analysis of business processes and then of the identification of the main outputs and processes that generated them.

Maria Giliberti
Business Development Partner
She is specialized lawyer in civil and societary law, judicial and strajudicial and international contracts. She works on behalf of industries in all of Italy and it mainly develops her profession among Salerno, Napoli and Rome.
Since 2012 she is Professor at contract in Civil Law at UnIversity “Federico II” in Napoli- Italy. she is also a legal collaborator for Foreign Affair Minister in Italy. In 2010 she achieved Doctorate in international Private Law at University “Federico II” Napoli-Italy .
She is involved in the organization of the political and cultural event of Fondazione “Roma Europea” in Rome and Fondazione “Napoli Europea” in Naples. She is also involved personally in the organization of the “Mediterranean Exchange of Archeological Tourism” that annually is based in Paestum.